So, we got Michael on Saturday morning, and we have been in awe ever since. Saturday afternoon, we came back to the hotel and just loved on our little boy.
I was able to Skype with my parents and Andrew's parents for a little bit, so they could see their newest grandson. We also were able to skype with Aunt Amy, and Auntie Fer. Everyone is so excited about meeting our little one, and we are more than willing to show him off.
Other than that, our day and night was filled with bottles, diapers, and staring at our baby. Michael didn't sleep much the first night, but he didn't scream and cry either. He just was awake, and wanted us to be awake with him. So, we all sat and looked at each other for a few hours.
He is such a happy, content baby, and this is such a blessing. At one point we just put him in bed with us, and we all three got about 3 hours of solid sleep.
Sunday, we did more of the same. Bottles, Diapers, and Bonding. It is suggested for adopted parents to do skin-to-skin with their new child, so we spent some time doing that. We also skyped with family again. We tried to get Michael to learn his days from nights, so we tried our hardest to keep him awake during the day, but we mostly lost that battle. He did really well at first during the nigh. Andrew took the first shift, and I went to bed early. Then we both switched on and off during the middle of the night, and then I let Andrew sleep late, and I did the third shift.
We had a very important meeting at 3:00 today. We met with the adoption attorney, and then got to meet with the judge. First we went to meet the judge and for her to see us, and get a good feel for us. If she likes us, then we don't have to come back to Alabama for Finalization, and they can do it without us being present.
Well, she was so sweet, and not what I was expecting. She held little Michael and loved on him for a little bit, and then just talked to us. She apparently liked us, and told us that we would be great parents, and that he was all ours. Then we went with the attorney to sign a bunch of papers. We were in and out in 30 minutes. After we left the courthouse, we went to eat a very early dinner.
Michael slept from the time we left the hotel, went to the courthouse, ate dinner, and drove back to the hotel.
When we got back to the hotel I wanted to get some pictures of him in his cute outfit, but he just wasn't havin' it.
He was ready for a diaper change, and dinner. Once he got that, he was a happy camper. We got the call during dinner that we has received our ICPC Clearance, and were able to go home. SO, we will be going home tomorrow!!
We will be having lunch with the birth mother, and a woman from the agency, and then we will head home.
This will be the first time we will meet Michael's birth mom, and I am really looking forward to it. I am so grateful for her sacrifice, and I just want to be able to tell her so. We will be giving her a scrapbook with our original profile in it, and a page that I added that has a picture of Andrew, Michael, and myself and a little note of thanks. The scrapbook also has lots of extra pages for her to put the updates that we will be sending her. We also got her a necklace and earring set that has the August birthstone on them. This is just a small token to show our appreciation, and to let her know that what she did we will always be grateful for.
After we have lunch, we will hit the road, and hopefully be home by 8:00 pm. I'm sure we will have to make several stops to change diapers, and to feed Michael. I hope he is a good little traveler, and that he sleeps most of the way home. He will have 2 sets of grandparents waiting for him at home, so I hope he is nice and rested for all the love and attention he will be getting.
This has been a great experience, and am so happy that we have been given such a wonderful gift.
I am just so happy for you guys! You blog updates just radiate the happiness and contentment this baby has brought you already....I think adoption is such an amazing, beautiful thing! Hope he travels well and you get hope quickly and safely and share him with all your excited family!