Not much going on around here, we are trying to get on a schedule, and hopefully over the next week or two, we will get a little more consistent with our daily routine. There is one piece of exciting news! Michael slept 7 straight hours last night! It might just be a fluke, but hopefully he will start sleeping longer at night. Before last night, he was consistently getting up every 3 hours to eat. It really isn't so bad. He eats, and then goes right back to sleep, so we are only up for about 20 minutes. But it was still nice to get some uninterrupted sleep.
Also, one month ago today, Michael was placed in our arms! What a wonderful month it has been!
Here are some recent pictures of the little guy. They are all from my phone, so that is why the quality isn't the greatest.
One morning, I had Michael laying in bed with me, and Toby wanted to cuddle too, so he came over and laid right beside him. It was too cute not to take a picture.
Michael is always to alert and happy at night, so I get a lot of good pictures of him in the evening.
This was during the day. I wanted to try out Michael sitting up in the Boppy, but instead of sitting, he just fell over and went to sleep.
He is such a happy baby!
This one I took last night before bed. Again, so happy and content!
I will be posting pictures from our baby shower, that we had this past weekend, in another post.
I am counting down the days until I can hold him!!! Get him ready for Aunt Amy!!!!