What Michael is up to at three months old:
- He had a doctor appointment this month, and here are his stats: Michael weighs 12.5 lbs and is 23.75 inches tall. He is growing so much, and the doctor said he was just perfect, and doing great! He also got his first shot, and did really good with it. He only cried for a second, but Mama cried a lot longer than he did. We go back in another week for his second shot.
- He is doing really well in the assisted sitting up position. His neck is getting so strong, and before we know it, he will be sitting up all by himself.
- He still loves to smile, and has started to laugh all the time. We try all kinds of things to get him to laugh, and when he finally does, it just melts our hearts.
- He is still "talking" all the time. He tells us stories all the time, and when we respond to him talking, it just makes him want to talk even more. It is so cute listening to him.
- He has started teething. We aren't sure how long it will be before he actually gets a tooth, but he loves chewing on his fingers.
- He is still sleeping really well at night. He usually goes to bed around 10:30 pm and sleeps all night till about 7:30 am.
- His Mimi (Andrew's Mom) got him a mobile for his crib, and he loves it. He just lays in his crib staring up at it. It has little fishes on it and plays music.
- He hasn't rolled over yet, but it won't be long until he does.
- He recognizes both Mommy and Daddy, and when we go to get him out of his crib, he smiles as soon as he sees us.
- Michael finally got to meet his Aunt Amy and Uncle Mike. They live in Florida, and came up for a visit this past month. They were so excited to meet him and give him lots of hugs and kisses.
- Michael also took his first trip to the beach this month. My parents were down at the beach for the week, so Katie and Michael went down for the weekend. He did really well traveling, and slept the entire 4 hour car ride. He is a great traveler and hopefully he will continue to be, since we have lots of trips planned for him in the future.
- He celebrated his first Holiday this month, Halloween. He dressed up in a little pumpkin shirt. We didn't do any trick-or-treating, since he is still so young, but we did visit all of the grandparents. Once he is old enough, it will be so much fun to take him out all dressed up.
- Michael is such a blessing to us, and we could not imagine our lives without him.