
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

19 Months

Michael is now closer to two, than one! Where did my baby boy go??
Here is what he has been up this past month:
- It seems like he is saying new words everyday. He is up to saying 58 words!
- He has grown another 1/2 inch this month. He is 33 inches tall now.
- He is wearing size 24 month pants but they are too big around the waist. All of his 18 month pants were getting too short. He is still wearing 18 month tops.
- He loves to read books! His favorite book currently is the ABC Book that I made for him. He loves looking through it, and pointing out everything that is familiar.
- Every night after dinner he says, "Play??" I think that is the highlight of his day, playing with his Daddy after dinner.
- He loves to be outside. He mostly just wanders around the yard, picking up sticks. But he loves it, so we spend a good portion of the afternoon, walking around the yard, looking for a good stick.
- We have also started letting Michael watch "movies". I usually put on a baby Einstein, or sesame street while I am in the shower in the morning. He sits so still, and watches the entire thing. But when it's over, it's over, and he doesn't ask to watch more, or cry that it's over.
- He keeps me smiling and laughing all day long, and I feel so blessed to be able to spend all day with him. I love being his mother, and feel so blessed to be able to call him my SON!

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