
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Circus Fun!

 Last night, my parents took the whole family to the Shrine Circus. We weren't sure how well Michael would do, but he did great! He sat and watched all of the acts, and loved all of it. His favorite part was the "elpants." When we got there, the elephants were out, and people were riding them. He just kept saying over and over, "elpants, elpants, elpants" and pointing to the elephants.

As we were walking up to the doors, we got to take a picture with this clown. It didn't bother Michael at all to be standing next to a clown. He really didn't pay the clown too much attention.
 We were going to let Michael ride the elephant with his older cousins, but they wouldn't let him go unless I went with him, and I didn't want to buy an extra ticket, so we just stood and watched while his cousins rode the elephant.

 The first act was 14 white Bengal Tigers! They were incredible to watch, but they also made me a little nervous. At one point, the tiger trainer had the two of the tigers stand up against the cage that is around them, and one put their paw on the door, and it swung open! It was quickly closed, but still, a little freaky!

We had a great time at the circus! Thanks Grandma and Papa for taking us!

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