Friday, July 20, 2012

23 (1/2) Months

I am super slack this month! Seeing how this post is 2 weeks late! I guess my trip to the Bahamas kinda got me side tracked.
See how tall I am?
 So, what has Michael been up to?
- Since taking away the binky, his sleeping habits have changed. He is not sleeping as well, and has been waking up in the night crying, which he never used to do. But, I know that this will pass.
- He has grown another 3/4 in. He is measuring some where between 34 and 35 inches. I'll be interested to see what the Doctor office measures him at. His legs are getting so long.
- He is such a character. He makes himself laugh all the time. And in doing so, makes us laugh, which makes him laugh harder, and try harder to make us laugh more.
Standing on his tip toes
- He is doing great in the pool. We have actually tried swimmies on his arms, and he does great with them. I thought he wouldn't be able to balance, but he loves wearing them.
- He is in the process of getting his last molar. He started a few months getting his 2 year molars, and that could be the reason for the lack of sleep too. I'll be so happy once this last one breaks through. I feel like he has been teething for 1 1/2 years straight.  His poor mouth needs a break.
- He loves going to babysit with me. It is teaching him all about sharing and playing with other children.

Sweet moments
 - His favorite movie is Toy Story. He asks all the time to watch "Buzz and Woody." He also loves Mickey Mouse clubhouse. We only have 1 Mickey DVD, so I think it's time to invest in another one.
- He is still fascinated with Motorcycles. The other day while driving down the road, he said, "Motorcycle, where are you?"

Showing off his first tattoo
 - He is a little picky when it comes to food. The things he will always eat and usually asks for are, Cheese, Applesauce, a baked sweet potato, noodles, peanut butter, and cookies. There are other days where he will eat whatever we are eating, and will usually try different food if we ask him. Like the other day he ate a few green beans! I couldn't believe it. We are working on this, and hoping he will go back to eating whatever he can get his hands on. I know it's a toddler phase, and he will one day eat real food.
What a little stud!
 - He is talk, talk, talking! If full sentences!
- He knows all of his basic colors!
- He knows the letters, A, B, C, D, G, M, P, S, and T.  He does really well when I associate a name with a letter. Like P - Papa. Every P he sees he yells, "P Papa"
- He tries to sing Jesus loves me, and it is so cute. He only knows a few phrases, but loves for us to sing it.
 - He loves to pray. Every night at dinner, we hold hands and pray. Usually we have to pray more than once, because he reaches for our hands and says, "More, Amen" or "More, Pray." I love that he loves to pray! The other day, in Wal-Mart, he grabbed my hand and said, "Amen..." I asked him if he wanted to pray, and he said, "Yes!" So, So Sweet!

Popsicle Break with the cousins
I can't believe that in 2 weeks, he will be turning 2! It's crazy to think about. We are in full birthday party planning mode! Here is my Pinterest Board for his party. It is not going to be extravagant, but it will be a lot of fun for him.
Future Drummer


linda said...

I just love this little boy !!
G is for Grandma !!!

linda said...

Love this little boy, G is for Grandma !!

Jill P. McCormick said...

Katie, that's so funny that you are doing a Mickey Mouse theme for his 2nd b-day. I have already been thinking and planning for Madalyn' 2nd b-day (even though it's months away) and I'm thinking about a Minnie Mouse theme with some of the same stuff, just girly. Too funny! Jill