He is doing great and growing every day!
The pediasure is helping him put on some weight and he is getting taller too!
He is also still eating great!!
I just had to go buy him some new pajamas, because he is finally outgrowing the 12 month size!
He is still in a lot of size 12 month clothes, but also moving into 18 month size.
He is still in size 3 diapers, and probably will be for a while.
He still isn't saying that many words, and will be starting speech therapy next week. I am really hoping to see a big difference once we start that. He is saying, Daddy, mama, Molly, cold, hot, boo-boo, no-no
He is also signing milk, more, please, all done, eat, and sometimes cracker, cookie and cheese.
The only animal sound he knows is moo for cow. And when I ask him a different animal, he says moo. We are working on it.
He also refuses to point to body parts. We ask him where his nose is, or eyes, or belly and he just laughs.
But he is so smart and understands everything we are saying to him.
He is so active and runs everywhere! He loves to run and kick the soccer ball.
He is loving cars and trucks right now too!
He has a little temper, especially when he doesn't get what he wants. He will throw mean temper tantrum forever! Lord help me with this strong willed child!
He also does not like the word no, and completely ignores me when I say it. I have to go physically remove him from what he is doing, and usually he just goes right back to doing it!
Sleep is a strange thing with him. Some days he will nap for 2 hours, go right to bed and sleep 12+ hours uninterrupted. Then there are other days where he will only nap for an hour, fight going to bed and then wake up in the middle of the night and be wide awake for a couple of hours. (Like right now! I am sitting in his room at 4 am and he has been awake since 2:30!) We have tried different things and tonight we are trying the, leave him in his crib and sit in the chair next to it to see if he will go back to sleep. We have tried letting him cry. We have tried putting him in bed with us, we have tried bringing him downstairs and watching tv. But every time it is the same thing. He is wide awake for a couple of hours, and then he will eventually fall back asleep. This happens about once a week, and it makes no sense to me.
This little tornado is going to age me! I told Andrew that there will be a distinct difference in the way I look before J and then a year later! My hair will be more gray and my face will have a ton of "worry lines"! And I think I will look tired, from being so tired!
But it will all be worth it! He is worth it! We love you baby J! You bring chaos, excitement, and a lot of energy into our home!
But you also bring love and we are so grateful you are here!
Hey! I just saw your comment on our beach pictures. Let me say, it's not easy at all getting "good" pictures of my two girls together. Madalyn has finally gotten easier at taking pictures. Alexis is always so interested in everything else, it's difficult. I do a lot of singing, jumping around, acting silly as can be to get a "good" picture of the two of them or Alexis. It wears me out taking pictures. Sometimes a photo shoot will take place more than one time depending on the cooperation I get from them. But I am more determined than them, haha. :0) However, I love pictures and that's how you capture your memories. Just wanted to respond to say it's not easy, trust me. Hope you all are doing good.
ReplyDeleteI had a child that was full speed ahead all the time too !! looks like it is payback time. LOL