
Saturday, May 9, 2009

Strawberry Hill, USA

Yesterday, Andrew and I went to Strawberry Hill, USA. When we left the house, it was slightly overcast, but as we were eating lunch, the sky fell out, and it poured...and poured... and poured... A little rain never hurt anything though. We were still able to buy our bucket of strawberries and a few other produce items. When I got home, I started the process of making fresh strawberry jam. If you want the recipe, you can go to this post, from last year.
I only made a single batch this time. But I'm sure I will be making some more, very soon.


  1. That jam looks soooo yummy!!
    Sarah (I'm too lazy to sign into my account:0) )

  2. I'm hoping I'm going to get some of that yummy jam this summer!!!

  3. Thank you for the strawberry jam! It looks delicious--just need a biscuit :-)
    Love you, Mil
