
Monday, January 31, 2011


I guess Michael's one little tooth was lonely, so another one decided to pop out yesterday. I knew something was up when he woke up several time Saturday night crying. So Sunday morning when we got up, I felt in his mouth, and sure enough, another little tooth had popped up!

These pictures are from yesterday. You can barely see it.

I took these pictures this morning, and you can see both teeth a lot better.

He keeps sucking on his bottom lip, not sure of what is in his mouth. For the past week or two, he has been a little fussy, and not been taking good naps. Well, I think that was all due to the teething. Yesterday, he took a two hour nap, and went right to bed without any problems, and slept through the night without waking up at all. I'm so glad to have my happy baby back. Not that he was a miserable baby, but he just wasn't himself.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


After months of teething, Michael finally got his first tooth yesterday at 5 months, 3 weeks. It's just barely through the skin, but you can kinda see it in the pictures.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Show us Your Life - Adoptions

Today, over at Kelly's Korner, she is hosting Show Us Your Life - Adoptions.
I am so excited to participate! If you have been reading my blog for any length of time, you know that we are very proud of our adoption story, and very proud to be the parents to a beautiful baby boy brought to us through the miracle of adoption.
I have documented our entire adoption journey here on my blog, so I'm just going to list the links from where I originally posted.

I know that seems like a lot of posts, but that's not all of them. If you want to see all my posts on adoption, just click on the adoption label under this post.
If you have any questions, please leave me a comment, and I promise to answer them. Or if you prefer, send me an e-mail at katiebug810 (at) hotmail (dot) com.
Thanks for stopping by my blog, and I can't wait to read all of the other adoption stories that are linked up at Kelly's Korner.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

First Big Boy Bath

Michael was getting way too big for his baby bath, so we ordered this little seat for him to sit in for bath time. He loved it!
We gave him some toys to play with But his favorite thing was the wash cloth.

It looks like bath time is about to get a lot more fun in our house!
P.S. Don't you love all his rolls!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Rolling Rolling Rolling

I just love seeing this cute little guy roll over. So since it is my blog, I figure I can post another video of him rolling over. And this is the most exciting thing going on in our lives right now. Without this, I would have nothing to blog about.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Let The Good Times ROLL!!!

Yesterday, January 17, 2010, Michael rolled over for the first time!! He is 5 months, 1 week old. To say that we were excited is a huge understatement. I never knew how proud I could be of such a little thing. But to us, it was a major thing. Here is a short video clip I took with my phone. This was about his 5th roll of the day. After the 2nd one, he really go the hang of it, and we were able to catch it on camera.

Sick Baby

Michael and I are home today. He has a tummy bug, and is so pitiful. Hopefully he will be feeling better soon. We are trying to make sure he staying hydrated. Right now he is taking a nap on momma.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Our Journey to Michael

Here is a little video I put together of our adoption journey.
I had a lot of time to work on it, since we have been snowed in for the past two days. I am so happy with how it turned out.
I hope you enjoy it!

Playing in the snow

Here are Daddy and Michael enjoying the snow day! Daddy got Monday and Tuesday off work! It was so nice having him home with us!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow Day Pictures

Here are some more pictures from our snow day!

Snow Day!

What a beautiful sight to wake up to. Too bad Michael is too little to go play in it!

Friday, January 7, 2011

Happy 5 Months Michael!

What Michael is up to at five months old:
- This has been a busy month for us. With a doctor appointment, a trip to Disney World, Christmas celebrations and new years, we are ready for things to calm down a little.
- Michael had a doctor appointment on December 14th. The doctor said he is doing really well, and that he is a healthy baby. He is getting so big and doing great. He now weighs 16.72 pounds and is 25.75 inches long.
- He is now wearing size 3 diapers and is about to outgrow his 3-6 month clothes.
- He still has not rolled over yet, and doesn't seem very interested in doing so. He is, however, able to sit unsupported on the floor and play with his toys. He is also able to sit up in his high chair and in a shopping cart.
- Still no teeth either. I think it could be any day now, but who knows...
- We moved him up to his "big boy" car seat this month. He hadn't fully outgrown his baby carrier, but it was getting so heavy to carry around. He has adjusted well to the new car seat, and seems to really like all the extra room he has.
- We took Michael to the Christmas Parade here in town. It was a cold morning, but we bundled him up nice and warm. His cousins, Clara, Lindy and Charlie were in the parade.
- The weekend before Christmas, Andrew's parents took the whole family to Disney World. He did great during the 9 hour car ride. We had a great time, and are looking forward to taking Michael back when he is a little older and can enjoy it more. He slept in his stroller a lot, but he did wake up for the fireworks, and seemed to really enjoy them. He would stare up at the sky and smile.
- Having Michael here for Christmas was such a blessing. We were even lucky enough to have a white Christmas this year. He got spoiled by all of our family, and has lots of new toys to play with.
- Michael continues to bring so much joy to our lives, and we love him so much! There is not a day that goes by, that we are not extremely thankful to have him as our son!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Babies, Babies, Babies

Last week, my friends and I got together to celebrate Christmas and Julie's birthday. It was such a fun afternoon!
It's always fun to get all the babies together. They are getting to wear they will look at each other and watch what the other one is doing. This seems to be very entertaining for them. Now for some pictures.
Auntie Fer with all the babies: Coleman, Michael and Lydia
Coleman with his Mommy
Lydia with her Mommy
Michael with his Aunt Fer
All the excitement wore this little boy out!
It was so much fun getting together, and can't wait to do it again real soon!