Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

Here is the post I wrote last year on Mother's Day. I went back and read it last night and cried. Thinking back to where we were a year ago, it is amazing to see how far God has brought us.
Last year I was filled with hope.
This year I am filled with joy.
I am a mother!
I have a son!

And today, on my first mothers day, Andrew and I stood in front of our friends, family and church and dedicated Michael to the Lord. Michael is our gift from God that He has entrusted us to care for.
What an honor.
This is not something we take lightly, and we know that this is a huge responsibly.
But it's one that I'm happy to have.
It's something I've wanted for a long time.
I am a mother!

Happy Mother's Day!

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